Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Podemos gostar pouco, nada ou muito dos Estados Unidos da América ou das pessoas que lá vivem. Não podemos é desmentir uma realidade que se impõe aos nossos olhos e que seria impensável observar noutras paragens do mundo. Os EUA, pela forma como nasceram, assumiram um padrão sociológico e, consequentemente, político singular, incomparável.
America at its best

IT IS hard to believe after all the thrills and spills, but the real presidential race is only now beginning. In any other country, the incredible circus that has marked the past year could not have occurred. The business of choosing the main contenders for the top job would have been done behind closed doors, or with a limited franchise and a few weeks of campaigning. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, by contrast, have spent well over a year in the most testing and public circumstances imaginable—and that was just to get to the final five months.

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