Thursday, December 06, 2007


Sem imposição do Governo , sublinhará Bush esta tarde quando anunciar o seu plano a 5 anos para resolver a actual crise das sub-prime, os principais bancos envolvidos concondarão em congelar as taxas de juro aos tomadores dos empréstimos com dificuldades para solver os seus compromissos assumidos com créditos para a compra de habitação.
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Bush Unveils Mortgage-Relief Plan

Hard-Up Owners Won't See Adjustable Rates Soar
David Cho and Neil IrwinWashington Post Staff Writers Thursday, December 6, 2007; 3:50 PM

President Bush announced this afternoon an agreement with major mortgage firms to freeze interest rates for five years for financially troubled homeowners -- a plan that advocates say will help forestall a major foreclosure crisis but some conservatives say amounts to a bailout of people who made bad financial decisions.
The plan would apply to homeowners who got adjustable-rate subprime mortgages between Jan. 1, 2005, and July 31 of this year and are facing a sharp jump in their rates before July 31, 2010. It would also offer to put them on a fast track to refinance their mortgages through lenders or state and local housing authorities

His administration is working to "limit the disruption" caused by the subprime lending crisis, Bush said, and he said he expects the overall economy to remain strong.
The "downturn in housing comes against the backdrop of solid fundamentals in other areas, including low inflation, a healthy job market, record high exports," he said. "America's economy has proved itself highly resilient, and it is strong and it is flexible and it is dynamic enough to weather this storm."

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